
Textured vs Smooth Implants for Breast Augmentation

Textured breast implants have a rough outer shell, while smooth breast implants feature a soft,…

Can Breast Implants Cause Breast Cancer?

Breast implants do not reduce the risk of breast cancer. Research shows no direct correlation…

Under-the-muscle and over-the-muscle breast implants

Breast implants placed under the muscle offer a more natural look. Over-the-muscle implants provide more…

How Long Does It Take for Your Breast Augmentation to Drop

Breast augmentation "drop" typically occurs within 3 to 6 months post-surgery. This timeframe can vary…

What is the Difference between Silicone And Saline Breast Implants

Silicone breast implants are filled with silicone gel, while saline implants are filled with sterile…

What is the Difference between Breast Augmentation And Implants

Breast augmentation is the cosmetic procedure that enhances breast size and shape, while breast implants…

How Do You Know If Your Breast Implant is Encapsulated 2024

Signs of an encapsulated breast implant include firmness and changes in breast shape. Pain and…

How Do You Know If a Silicone Breast Implant Has Ruptured

A ruptured silicone breast implant often presents with changes in breast shape or size. Pain,…

Breast Implant Illness (BII): What It Is, Symptoms & Treatment

Breast Implant Illness (BII) symptoms include chronic fatigue, joint pain, and memory issues. Consult a…

How Much Does Breast Implants Cost in South Africa

The cost of breast implants in South Africa typically ranges from R40,000 to R80,000. Prices…